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About Me

Hi! My name is Ruth. I love sewing! I picked it up as a little girl watching my mother sew. She sewed most of our clothes and and as i got older i became more interested in learning. I learned everything i could from my mother and even took some courses to advance my technique. I quickly found that that sewing was not just something I loved but it was also a way to destress. I started this business so that i could share my creativity with they world and eventually begin to offer sewing lessons so that others can be one step closer to sharing their creations.

Here is a little bit about how i came up with the name JemsDesngns4u.  Jems is suppose to be JEMS in all caps because it's an acronym. The first letters of my daughters full names put together spell JEMS. My eldest daughter has a first and middle name and my youngest has only a first name. Our family's last name is Salinas. I just love how my daughter's names spell JEMS because they are so precious just like gems.  Designs4U I brainstormed a little with my younger sister and well it is pretty straight forward.  

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